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With going into too much detail, has anyone experience of spinal cord surgery at Bordeaux? If so, grateful for PM on thoughts.

I work in UK but wish for operation in France (close to family). Included in S1 for family. Will a spinal operation count towards 100% cover (not included in family top-up cover). I could use NHS but their secondary care took 18 months to find problem and my confidence in them is low.


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Please remember that 'backs' are notoriously difficult to find the problem. My son lives in France and he was sent from one set of tests to another and another and from one expert to another and he suffers constantly. He thinks that they may have found the problem now, but he isn't sure and they don' t seem to be able to do anything about it anyway.

Also, you need whichever french surgeon you chose to agree with the current diagnosis. Is it that cut and dried?

As your family are in France, they should be asking neighbours. It's how I found out about any of the surgeons we have had to use over the years.

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Perhaps I am misunderstanding but if you are working in the UK you are covered by the NHS. Only your family are covered under the French health care system by means of an S form.

If that is correct then you need to obtain permission from the NHS to have the operation carried out in France.

http://www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/Healthcareabroad/plannedtreatment/Pages/Introduction.aspx gives you the info on how to apply, what the refund proceedure is etcetc.
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The rules appear to have changed and working in one country but living in another now allows you to have 2 health cards, one for each country. Your dependants will onle have one card ,ie where they live.


To answer the question a friend of mine went to Limoges to have a spinal operation as the Doctor did not rate either Angouleme or Bordeaux
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[quote user="Boiling a frog"]The rules appear to have changed and working in one country but living in another now allows you to have 2 health cards, one for each country. Your dependants will onle have one card ,ie where they live. http://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/work/cross-border-worker/social-security/index_en.htm To answer the question a friend of mine went to Limoges to have a spinal operation as the Doctor did not rate either Angouleme or Bordeaux[/quote]



 I thought that it was always like that, otherwise how on earth could people who work abroad, have health cover when at work and when at home.  



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Any cancer counts for 100% cover, but only after it has been diagnosed, so the procedures up to that point are at 70%

The Medecin traitant then applies for the ALD to be recognised, then 100% kicks in.

There may be  retrospective reimbursement for the previous tests, but I am not sure.

In any case if there is a cancer diagnosis one of the first things to do amongst the panic is to get the ALD letter sent off.

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