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Loss of French Healthcare


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Just to clarify the contribution level for CMU B (affiliation to the French Health Service)

The contribution is 8% of your net income(your revenue fiscal de reference) minus an allowance, currently 9164€ .

Thus, if your income is €20,000 a year you deduct the CMU threshold of €9,164. This leaves €10,836 as the base figure used for calculating your 8% contribution to the CMU. This gives a premium of €867 pa for health insurance cover.

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I believe there would also be 6,6% CSG and 0,5% CRDS to pay (on the whole 20,000) if you have the CMU

i.e  about another 1400€ on a pension of 20,000

Vos revenus sont soumis à la CSG et à la CRDS si vous êtes :

  • domicilié en France pour l'établissement de l'impôt sur le revenu,

  • et à la charge, à quelque titre que ce soit, d'un régime obligatoire français d'assurance maladie.

It is now collected by les impôts not by the Urssaf, so is declared on your French tax return, which means that some people who had never been 'on the radar' of the Ursaaf will now find themselves paying if they completed their déclaration correctly.

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Grecian, it wasn't a broker but my top up company.  However, I do know a broker reasonably well and had a long chat with him the other day when I was searching for insurance for my mobility scooter.  He said that he would happily help if I needed any advice at any time so if you do get stuck then certainly, I can broach the subject with him when I get back in the autumn.

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