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Mutuelle and CMU taxe


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Got the list of prélèvements from our mutuelle AFPS for 2013 and in addition to the Cotisation mensuel, 12.29 Euros a month more than last year,  Dont TSCA, Dont droits asociatifs amounts it also shows Dont taxe CMU : 9.04 Euros which has not been there in previous years. Has there been some new law/tax introduced and does it apply to those on S1 forms?..............................JR 
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Depuis le 1er janvier 2011, les mutuelles santé doivent payer la taxe de

solidarité additionnelle qui a remplacé la contribution CMU

complémentaire (Couverture maladie universelle complémentaire). Fixée au

taux de 6,27%, elle s'ajoute aux taxes sur les conventions d'assurance

(TCA ou TSCA) pesant sur les adhérents.

That is to say there is an additional tax since January 2011 which replaces a previous contribution.

It may just be an accounting procedure, and your Mutuelle states that it is a tax so you see it is not part of their charges.

The idea is to help to  finance the CMU-C


I presume that those with S1 forms have the same choice as anyone else whether to take a top-up Insurance, and if they do they too would pay this tax

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