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Prescription Medicale de Transport


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Hi all,

Happy, healthy new year to you.

I've just come out of hospital, after my prophylactic mastectomie reconstruction and was given a Prescription Medicale de Transport.  Do I send this to the CPAM, or give it back to the hospital?

Many thanks.


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Thank you both.  No hubby drove me up there in our own car on Monday, did a return journey on Tuesday in blizzard conditions (non claimable) and then he battled the snow to get back up to collect me yesterday.

Will send it to CPAM.

Thanks again.


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[quote user="sueyh"]Thank you both.  No hubby drove me up there in our own car on Monday, did a return journey on Tuesday in blizzard conditions (non claimable) and then he battled the snow to get back up to collect me yesterday.

Will send it to CPAM.

Thanks again.




Do we take that as two return journeys you are claiming and not just one?

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Thanks Norman, yes everything went really well.  Still quite sore, the nurse is coming in on Monday to remove the final dressings.  I should have been going back to Lille for this but with the snow here my surgeon took pity on me and said I could either do it myself or get a nurse in.  Only a couple more steps to go and my preventative treatment will be finished.  I know I've done the right thing because my cousin, who also carried the same mutant gene as me (BRCA2) died last week at the very young age of 66, having battled cancer for 20 years. 

I've missed Coops guiding hand this time too.

Best wishes Norman.  Keep warm and well.


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Hello Suey

I've had a quick look on www.ameli.fr, but can't see any reference to a time limit. I'd like to think that there isn't one, because my local CPAM took 2 - 3 months to reimburse the one personal claim I made last year (due to a VSL no-show), so why should they have a problem with a late submission? I think I'd just send in the claim and see what they say (or phone them if you're feeling up to it ....!).

Best wishes for a good recovery from this latest operation and ongoing treatment.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry me again [;-)]

I sent off my claim form, I had put a line  through the spaces under the bit that says "Depense Totale".  The form has been sent back with a red line highlighting Depense total and highlighting the Total Euros box at the bottom.  What am i supposed to put in these boxes?  I have no idea how much is paid per kilometre and had no other expenses.  Sorry to be a bit of a "nul" but help please.

Thank you


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Hello Suey

Sorry you're having trouble with this, I hope I can help.

So, I can't post hyperlinks on my Mac, but here is the page that gives the information on how much you can claim per kilometre (based on CV of your car):


So, you fill in the number of kilometres (think you did this), the CV of your car (refer to carte grise), péage cost if applicable (and if you have a receipt, of course). Multiply the number of km by the rate shown on the above AMELI link, add that to any péage cost and then you have the dépense totale figure they want from you.

Don't forget to attach a RIB so they can refund you directly into your bank account.

I chose to attach a photocopy of my carte grise too, though there is no requirement to do so.

Good luck, let us know if there is anything else we can do to help.
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Many thanks CBC and Poppy,  Very kind.

Have completed the online form and will return it to them on Monday.

I just wish they would give you some idea when they give you the form in hospital.  Perhaps give it out with the hospital info gumph.

Bon weekend


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