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cancelling health cover


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Hi, sorry if this has been 'done to death', but I can't seem to find an answer to my question.  I am tying to find out if there is a standard  letter that can be used to cancel a top up insurance cover with a French insurer please.  I think I probably need to give two months notice before renewal, but I can't find any info on cancellation on my insureres website and they haven't replied to an email request for info.  So thought I would send a recorded delivery letter then cancel the prelevement.  If anyone has a standard letter or knows of a link, it would be much appreciated, many thanks in advance
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This is a format provided to me by Pacifica for cancellation with AXA.  Obviously, you need to add your name & address + contract no at the head of the letter.  Oh and yes two months notice.



Monsieur le Directeur,


J’ai l’honneur de vous informer par la présente lettre recommandée que j’entends faire cesser les effets du ou des contrat(s) d’assurance dont les références sont indiquées ci-dessus ou tout(s) contrat(s) pouvant s’y substituer, conformément au Code des assurances, aux Conditions Générales et Particulières dudit ou desdits contrat(s).



A la prochaine échéance principale  

                soit sauf erreur le _ _ / _ _ / 20 _ _

(Complete here if cancelling at next renewal date)



Veuillez agréer, Monsieur le Directeur, l’expression de mes sentiments distingués.



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Many thanks for your quick reply Guardian, I shall copy it and use to cancel with................ axa! Quite uncanny that it is the same insurer, as an aside, did you have any problems cancelling the prelevement, just curious as the last time I cancelled one (for something else), I had to sign a declaration and answer loads of questions with my bank,which I thought was rather odd and nosey!! 
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No problems at all, if for no other reason than that we were taking out new contracts (health, car, house) with Pacifica which is 'associated' with Credit Agricole ............... who we bank with !!!

They made it very easy to effect the contract changes, but then it was in their interest to do so. It was worth it for us though too - around €130 / mth.

The thing that amazes me though is that nobody from AXA (neither them nor the local agent) made a phone call to try to dissuade us from changing. Answer = too expensive and they know it.   

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