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Cotisation Payment


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As early retirees here in France we have been using Private Health Insurance for the last 3 years and now under the 5 year residency rule have just gained access to the CMU with CPAM.

We have just received a letter from CPAM saying they have studied our case and due to our income are liable for a payment under the 8% ruling which will be recoverable by URSAAF quarterly.

The first quarter was for 01/07/13 - 30/09/13 but as yet no money has been taken from our account.

Does anyone know if the money is taken automatically or do we have to contact URSAAF to set up some sort of account with them.

have contacted CPAM but they are unsure.
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I don't know about the CMU,  but the few of us who have to pay social charges (CSG etc) because we are à la

of France (as opposed to those on S1s) no longer pay to the Urssaf, but instead declare on our income declaration and these charges are collected by the tax authorities.

As those on the CMU are also à la charge of Franceit might well be the same in your case.

I might add that some people who got into the CMU by paying 8% of their income 'forgot' to declare for the social charges ..

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We have been paying the social charges for the past 3 years and as you say this has been via the tax route so perhaps we may have to declare this on the tax form somewhere, will have to have a look at the form. Thanks.
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Cotisations are a separate thing from the csg..

Have you had an actual bill from URSSAF yet? If not I suspect you will get one in due course, which will tell you what to pay, when and how. I say this because I used to get these bills by mistake - I pay cotisations as an AE but before URSSAF got it sorted out, they kept sending me bills for cotisations.
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[quote user="rico"]Thanks everyone for your comments, looks like we shall wait to be billed.[/quote]

In the beginning getting bills from URSSAF can be a bit like waiting for a bus, you wait for ages and there is nothing and then 3 come at once.


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