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Wife going in for an IRM scanner soon and the hospital require, amongst other bits, an Attestation papier de Securite Sociale.

I looked up a fairly recent thread on this and noticed that NormanH stated that his Attestation has a use by date on it. I have checked ours and there is no such date, is this normal or should I have to apply for another one dated this year?

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But if you have an old one keep it too rather than throwing it away, since the new one cancels anything before, and if ever asked to prove what your situation was this year (by the tax people for example) you would need to produce the old one....

Good luck with the scan. I hope all goes well.

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Just a thought - isn't the request for an attestation synonymous with a request to present your Carte Vitale?

Surely one's CV enables access (through the little card reader) to your healthcare entitlement, which is what the hospital or clinique will want + mutuelle details should they be required? 

I'm probably missing something here and would be happy to be corrected, but Mrs G has an IRM every two years and those are the only documentary requirements that they have (apart from the medical history pro-forma).

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Thanks to all the replies so far, thanks Norman for the good wishes and Gardian we have been asked for 4 documents: carte d'identite, carte Vitale, carte de Mutuelle and attestation.

I am still at a loss as to why some people have a date limit on their attestation and I don't, I am sure I am missing something here.

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[quote user="CeeJay"]Thanks to all the replies so far, thanks Norman for the good wishes and Gardian we have been asked for 4 documents: carte d'identite, carte Vitale, carte de Mutuelle and attestation.
I am still at a loss as to why some people have a date limit on their attestation and I don't, I am sure I am missing something here.

My attestation has a date limit on because I have always been employed on limited duration contracts so my rights to healthcare will expire at some point. As far as I know this is normal for employed/self-employed people. I would imagine that if you are registered using an S1 form, i.e. one that is associated with your UK state pension, then there would not need to be an expiry date.

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In fact Gardian the Carte is only a convenient piece of Plastic that speeds up the process.

The thing that really counts is the piece of paper the "Attestation", which is why some places ask to see it if you are a new patient.

There used to be no photo on the CV either which lead to fraud though that has been allevated by the new photocards.

CeeJay I wouldn't worry about the  date.

The protocol has changed several times.

I used to have one that said it was valid until 2025.

My new card came with a paper that said it was only valid til next year...

Are you signed up to the Ameli.fr website?  You have to ask for them to send a code through the post, (you can't just make one up at sign-up) but once you have it the site is very useful

There you can ask for an instant Attestation which you can print off (though with the caveat in my previous post that you should keep old ones)

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Yes, come to think of it, the 1st time that Mrs G had an IRM all she had was an attestation (relatively newly arrived in France) and thereafter we were 'known clients' at that clinique.

Ahhhh - the documentation in France!  Still, the other way of looking at it is that you only get treatment here (other than emergencies) if you have proper entitlement.  But lets not start that one up again.[blink] 

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