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Having lived in the southern Hemisphere for 17 years, it was probably inevitable that some form of skin cancer would affect us in our later years. Visiting the dermatologist last Monday, he verified that there were in fact areas on my face and left ear which need immediate treatment. He prescribed Picato - be warned. It is absolutely ferocious! My skin has been burning for days and is red and inflamed. My OH remarked justifiably that it is of course a form of chemotherapy, albeit external. In a tiny tube with only 47 grams, the contents of each tube to be applied on three consecutive days. I now look like a cross between a Japanese and a Red Indian - no offence intended - and could only sleep with Ibuprofen. Thankfully from today I am permitted to apply healing cream, which hopefully will reduce the swelling, the burning and the redness. You are warned!

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Sounds awful but better that it was spotted and treated now than just left and who knows....

Interesting Wiki page  about it which notes (amongst other side effects) as PAIN

As the medical community does not usually like referring to 'pain', preferring 'discomfort' it must be bad.

Still, it will pass and you will be better [:D]



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Thanks to you both. The Haemerrhoids joke made me laugh, which was not good, as it hurts when I laugh!

Still the most important factor is positive thinking and looking forward to next week - when we have visitors!

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