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URSSAF Prelevement 31 December


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Urssaf are usually very hot on taking the quarterly payments, however our prelevement that should have been taken on 31st December still hasn't gone, so I'm getting a bit worried. The previous prelevement at end September was taken exactly on the day they said it would be.

Has anyone else had this? I don't find Urssaf the easiest of people to deal with so not sure what to do.

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On the other side of the coin, they overcharged my disabled daughter more than a thousand euro's last August. Despite numerous phone calls and e-mails they have failed to respond. Now at the stage of recorded mail to them.

It seems that to the French, a problem ignored is a problem solved.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Just to update on this topic.

End of January still no prelevement taken. I phoned CPAM English line who established that Urssaf had not been contacted by our CPAM to advise on what we pay. CPAM themselves are saying for Oct/Nov/Dec we don't need to pay anything (??? usually we do) but the technician at CPAM English line is saying that if we've had a letter from them saying what our cotisations should be then we should be paying every 3 months!

It sounds like the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. I'm waiting for a call back either to confirm they will take the payment, and if not I've asked for a letter to confirm we don't owe them anything for the three months they say.

Very odd, any update from you Danny?
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