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CPAM threshold


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Hi all,

Can some kind person point me to the official website that shows the 2014 threshold which I believe is 9534 but of which I want to be sure before I put pen to paper to CPAM (I think they are overcharging me!).

Also, if someone could confirm the 8% is worked out by taking the RF from this years Impot deducting the threshold then the remainder being liable to the 8% charge.

Thanks in advance.

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Plafonds de ressources CMU

  • 9 534 euros du 1er octobre 2013 au 30 septembre 2014

Pour une demande faite entre le 1er octobre 2013 et

le 30 septembre 2014, il convient de prendre en compte le revenu fiscal

figurant sur votre avis d'imposition 2012.

CMU gratuite

En dessous de ce plafond, la CMU est gratuite. Au delà,

vous devez payer une cotisation annuelle égale à 8 % du montant de votre

revenu fiscal dépassant 9 534 euros.

source http://droit-finances.commentcamarche.net/faq/5105-cmu-plafonds-de-ressources-2014

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Thanks G&B.

Now I have another question. Each year for the last 4 years our CMUB cover has run from 1 October to 31 september the following year.

This year our letter states our cover is from 1 Oct 2014 to 31 Dec 2015.

If the date 31 December 15 is correct (and they have made a date error on a previous year's letter) then an extra payment would be included in the amount quoted ie covering 5 payments until the end of the next year rather than the usual 4 payments.

I can't seem to find any info about changes but can see that it would make sense for them to bring the date in line with other taxes from the beginning of the year.

Can anyone supply anymore info on this please.

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[quote user="knee gel"] Each year for the last 4 years our CMUB cover has run from 1 October to 31 september the following year.

This year our letter states our cover is from 1 Oct 2014 to 31 Dec 2015. [/quote]

Our letter says the same thing, so I think it must be a nationwide changeover. As yet I haven't seen any other info about it anywhere though.


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Just to let you know that I have been trying to get onto my Ameli account since sunday but can't as there is a message to say maintenance is taking place - so at some point when I can get an email to them and get a response I will come back with the reply. Chris
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  • 3 weeks later...
[quote user="knee gel"]Thanks Sue. I think I will email Ameli and ask about the change of date before I go in with clogs on! - I will let you know of my response.


Hi, finally got a response as follows:

Suite à votre message du 10/10/2014, je vous confirme qu'effectivement, des nouvelles dispositions sont applicables en matière de calcul de la cotisation due en cas d'affiliation à la CMU de base. Ce calcul est dorénavant effectué pour la période allant du 01/10/2014 au 31/12/2015 (soit 15 mois au lieu de 12 mois initialement).

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  • 4 months later...
Hi all,

Here we go again! I've just received my health bill for the 1st trimestre to find that it has increased by just over 30%. Having emailed Ameli last year they confirmed the amount payable to 31 Dec 2015 and that this amount was payable in 5 equal instalments but this bill now puts a spanner in the works as it ups the original amount payable for the year. The bill received at the end of December was correct and according to Ameli's email the same amount should be payable for the next 3 payments to the 31 Dec 15. I have emailed Ameli and am waiting for a reply but wondered if anyone else has received a similar increase in their bill?

Thanks, Chris
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