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Bonjour :)

I thought maybe some of you could help me: i would need some point of view / debriefing / experiences of physiotherapists who had practice in England and also in France.

I'm studying physio in France and i'm interesting in the regional differencies of physiotherapy practices across the world. So, i'm thinking about doing a quick internship in england, if i got the permissions (and there's a long way to go...).

But first of all, i'd like to know if there's actually differencies between the french physiotherapy practice and the english one. That's why i'd be very pleased to recieve some point of view or experiences from some of you who had work in both countries.

Thank you for your help! Have a great day!



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I have a friend whose daughter is a physio in the UK. She seems to change employers often, most are private businesses eg sports clinics.

There will be some who work for the NHS, and I would think that's who you would contact first.


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