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Remewal fo 100%

Mrs Trellis

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OH has had 100% for 5 years for cancer; this finishes in mid September. The next hospital appointment is in early October. Will this be renewed automatically - he has had more problems recently - or do we have to do something? He will need to renew prescriptions before then.
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Yes, as Hereford says, it would be your GP who would instigate the renewal.

It might be quicker (or slower!) where you are - around here the turnround time is 4-5 weeks, so you really need to ensure that you have enough medication before the expiry date. If it hasn't been renewed by then, your OH's carte vitale will automatically lose it's ALD status.

It happened to Mrs G.
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The other posters are right, but note that the only Doctor who can ask for the renewal of the 100% ALD cover is the médecin traitant who will re-apply for the cover.

In my case one thing was added and another removed so it isn't just a rubber stamp procedure.

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