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Mutuelle Village


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We have been sent a questionnaire by the Mairie inviting us to a meeting to discuss the formation of a Mutuelle Village. This seminar is being run by Mutuelle Generale d'Avignon and generally means that the more people join it the cheaper it will be and will be overseen by the Maire.

This company, I understand, have schemes runnning throughout France and in one particular large village which is about the same size as my own the premiums are 47 Euros per month for a typical cover. Has anyone any experience of this sort of Mutuelle?

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[quote user="CeeJay"] Has anyone any experience of this sort of Mutuelle? [/quote]

Not personally but the idea has been around a while. It has resurfaced recently, according to these links :


because a fair number of families cannot afford any kind of cover - the price of which escalated up till, and including, the crisis. So, the idea of each village having its own, negotiated 'group' cover has become attractive.

On the face of it the idea of 'any cover is better than none at all' might just be a winner. On the other hand it is a form of blanket cover in that one size fits all - which is rarely does in practice.

The idea of solidarité is strong and still alive and kicking in many areas of France.


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