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MRSA, well SARM en francais and Norovirus


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I seem to be in a loop of trying to find the actual recent figures for these infections in french hospital. Anyone clever enough to find a link to some proper official figures from the last year or so.

For various reasons I am very curious.

I have known people in France pick up as they say nosocomiales of various sorts, and I am unsure if anyone has had either of these precise infections.

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I can't find any recent figures (probably not yet published) but I found this for 2012 http://invs.santepubliquefrance.fr/Publications-et-outils/Rapports-et-syntheses/Maladies-infectieuses/2015/Morbidite-et-mortalite-des-infections-a-bacteries-multi-resistantes-aux-antibiotiques-en-France-en-2012 someone will have to make the link clickable though There is a long list of reference publications here http://invs.santepubliquefrance.fr/Dossiers-thematiques/Maladies-infectieuses/Resistance-aux-anti-infectieux/Publications-de-reference again, chrome has scuppered the click.
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