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Support caring for someone at home.


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Husband has a terminal condition, but has survived over 2 years and at the moment is coping. A friend in the UK said when she was in France (not resident) her husband with the same condition got some nursing care at home. I know in UK my sister-in-law got very good care at home. When the time comes, We'd much prefer for OH to be cared for at home - more peaceful, we are a long way from the hospital and we have pets. Does anyone know/have experience of caring at home and what support might be available?
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Are you registered with a doctor in France? If so I think you should ask him/ her first.

One of our farmer neighbours, in his 80s, had to have a foot amputated due to diabetes, and he has a nurse visiting twice a day.

Another neighbour, a younger woman, has some sort of physical disability and has a cleaner twice a week.

And an english friend, who has serious problems due to type 1 diabetes, has daily nursing/ cleaning help.

All 3 have worked in France, if that makes any difference. Also conditions with 100% cover as ALD.

So it seems that eligibility is partly to do with type and amount of health insurance, partly nature of condition.

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Thanks for responding. Yes we are in the French health system and husband is 100%. , so gets a free ambulance taxi to hospital appointments. But it's an hour and a half journey each way. Some people get help with housework etc. via their mutuelle, some with low income get help from the state. But they are living alone. It's more about nursing care, and carers, to enable my husband to stay at home rather than dying in hospital. I will ask our GP, though it's a bit early. I don't think there is the equivalent of MacMillan/Marie Curie nurses here and Cancer Support France can only offer a befriending service.. Just trying to think ahead!
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It is worth asking your médecin traitant and also seeing what local organisations offer.

There are a variety of both state and private organisations who offer tax-deductible help.


and also on the Ameli site where you put in your postcode and a list of free and subsidised help pops up - well it does here in Morbihan.

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