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Organ donation: for or against


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 The argument being that someone's life is being saved when we are usually gone, although I do  realise that there are exceptions to this with kidneys and liver.

However, I just do not want a deceased person's body parts, even if it would save my life. As I get older, the very idea becomes more and more distasteful.

So compulsory organ donation. Frankly I would opt out, surely this old lass's organs would be rather past their sell by date now too.

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I suppose no one can force you have a donated organ..the question is do you mind donating yours when you no longer need it. I had a friend who died young when his kidneys failed, leaving a wife and two young children, so as far as I'm concerned they can have any bits of me they want for any purpose.
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My niece is only alive now because of a kidney donor, my nephew died of liver failure a few years before her transplant, its probably true to say that without the transplant I would have lost my sister their mother also.


I would have one but hope I will never need to, I would also donate my organs but would prefer to sign any accord  if I were terminally ill or possibly I would feel more inclined if I were older and less hungry for life, if there were a protocol where the hospital only knew that you were a donor after consultation with the next of kin who were convinced that your state was terminal then I would feel more confident, I dont like the thought of carrying a donor card having seen how the French "prise en charge" works.

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Fair enough if you don't want a transplant, but why refuse to let someone else have a bit of you when you no longer need it? Having said that, as we get older, some bits might not be any use. I do think that anyone who opts out should not be given any sort of transplant, nor should their children.
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My children and my husband often have very different views about many things in life.

I would not be surprised if they all were signed up, OH says he wants to live forever.

I have no such ambition so what have they to do with my choices???
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[quote user="crabtree"]In France we are all donors unless we opt out, I think.

[/quote]True since Jan 2017 (presumed consent which you can opt out of) however I thought they wouldn't even entertain our blood if we'd been in the UK for half an hour sometime between 1980 and 1996 due to alleged risk of CJD and surely by definition that must rule out organs donation or harvesting, except perhaps corneas.

It's not as if France escaped CJD but unlike the UK where they put videos of football field size pyres of burning carcasses on prime time TV every night the French kept it quiet and 'disappeared' the evidence (=JCB disease!) so that doesn't count.

For my part (no pun intended) when I'm gone they can have what they want although as per above and given abuse and age related deterioration I doubt that would amount to much.

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It seems two view points are raised

I would welcome an organ in need and offer my own

If that offends you and you do not wish to accept others donations to extend your life/quality so what

If your car or washing machine breaks down do you not happily replace the broken part or go for rebirth

Why is this for you so great issue
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Where did I say it offended me??? Didn't actually! Didn't ask in order to judge anyone.

I was curious!! It's a choice that is not for me.

I would prefer to give my body to medical science to be honest. But that is not that straightforward.

As it happens I have a family member and some friends involved with patient transplants, so know quite a lot about it. And they know my point of view.
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AnOther, I don't want anyone's spare body parts. I don't even want live donor organs either.

I have already signed a DNR and am at peace with my own mortality. That is me.

Whatever anyone else wants is up to them, doesn't annoy or upset me and if people want to be hypocrites about it, then that is up to them and their consciences.

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