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"She asked to see our E121 and then consulted her computer, and told us

that the E121 will expire on the 31st December. We tried explaining to

her that E121's do not expire"

The point is that if you are covered by your wife's S1 it will expire  (for you, not for her) and you have to apply for your own individual account. Perhaps this is what she meant. You can't keep on being covered by her. On the other hand I thought this wasn't coming in until Jan 2019

All the cases of this sort of thing I have heard of are people who have not yet sorted out their own personal cover after piggy-backing previously.

I am willing to bet that there will be no problems about the operation and there will be time after to sort out the finances, but I do sympathise.

It is the last thing you need in your situation.

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We went to the Marie's office yesterday where unlike Cerizay the lady at our local office was very nice and helpful. We showed her the printout from CPAM and explained that we had been to the CPAM office at Cerizay, and they had told us to obtain the Attestation de domiciliation. Initially she shook her head but then went and consulted somebody else, she then came back and started keying on her computer, asked for our address and printed something off, looked at it and muttered, threw it in the bin, and started again. She then proceeded to create another attestation, printed it off and took it into Monsieur Mayor to sign. At no point in the proceedings did she ask to see any form of proof of residence.

We posted the attestation with a copy of the printout and a covering letter yesterday, we didn't bother to send it registered, as we sent something to Niort registered post before, and even though somebody signed for it, they claimed that they did not receive it. This afternoon my wife logged into our CPAM account, and there was a one line message saying 'your dossier has been updated', so I guess for the time being the panic is over and they can slice me open on Monday with me being fully covered by CPAM.

Thanks for all the input on this thread.

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we sent something to Niort registered post before, and even though

somebody signed for it, they claimed that they did not receive it.

If you send a registered letter send it with accusé de reception and you get a card back to say it has been signed for which is proof..

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[quote user="NormanH"]"She asked to see our E121 and then consulted her computer, and told us

that the E121 will expire on the 31st December. We tried explaining to

her that E121's do not expire"

The point is that if you are covered by your wife's S1 it will expire  (for you, not for her) and you have to apply for your own individual account. Perhaps this is what she meant. You can't keep on being covered by her. On the other hand I thought this wasn't coming in until Jan 2019

All the cases of this sort of thing I have heard of are people who have not yet sorted out their own personal cover after piggy-backing previously.

I am willing to bet that there will be no problems about the operation and there will be time after to sort out the finances, but I do sympathise.

It is the last thing you need in your situation.


It doesn't apply to us, as we both have S1's in our own right, but I was checking on the changes under PUMA and came across this interpretation of the rules:

However, dependent

family members of those with a S1 certificate of exemption have not

lost their S1 attachment rights, and neither will they lose them in the


This is because the new law specifically excludes

from PUMA those in receipt of a foreign pension who obtain their health

insurance cover from their own home country.

Article 160-6 of the Code de la sécurité sociale states that amongst those excluded are:


personnes titulaires d'une pension étrangère qui ne bénéficient pas par

ailleurs d'un avantage viager d'un régime obligatoire de sécurité

sociale français lorsque, en application d'un règlement européen ou d'un

accord international, la prise en charge de leurs frais de santé ainsi que de ceux des membres de leur famille qui résident avec elles relève du régime étranger qui sert la pension."


clause is merely a legal technicality, in order that S1 households do

not pay a charge to the French health system. They are also exempt from

social charges on their pension.

Accordingly, those who hold an S1

certificate of exemption will only nominally be affiliated to PUMA (for

the purposes of administration), as European Regulations grant them and

their family members an entitlement to health cover via the


In the case of existing dependents not covered by an

S1, the law states that there will be no change to their arrangements,

whose current status is protected until 2020
, when they will have cover

in their own right.

Dependent adult family members can, if they wish, become registered before this date, but there is no obligation to do so.

Source: [url]https://www.french-property.com/news/french_health/protection_universelle_maladie/[/url]

EDIT: The article also diplomatically says :


do occasionally hear of reports from readers who have been refused

access to the health system, but more often than not this is merely the

result of a stance taken by misinformed front-line staff who have not

applied due procedure, by not referring the application to the Nimes

central processing centre.

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