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la réforme 100% santé and mutuelles


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Went to an Axa presentation yesterday and also received a letter from my present mutuelle.

As I understand it, it's not going to make very much difference unless you opt for the most basic glasses, teeth prosthesis and hearing aids.

I am no clearer whether this new régime will have any implications for cost of mutuelles.  Has anyone had a quote or recently renewed their mutuelle and can give some examples of  (hopefully downward) costs?

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Thank you very much; your second link gives the details necessary for understanding how it will work.

It is a brave move, so well done M le Président[:)]  I can imagine it will be of tremendous help to many people that I know because I see many neighbours and friends struggle with bills for teeth and glasses.

My worry is that we won't have enough ophthalmologues (is that the right word?) and dentistes to cope with expected uptake in demand.

I will now be able to look with confidence at the offers available and be able to choose appropriately.  I will look with interest at modular offers like the Swiss Life one you have talked about on here.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Well, has anyone received a notice of their next year's cotisations?

I can't compare ours because I have opted for hospitalisation as an extra and 125% for teeth and eyes.  Also, I am apparently benefiting from a 30% reduction as our commune has now signed in to the mutuelle communal scheme.

What interests me is whether the réforme has affected premiums at all?   

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[quote user="mint"]
Well, has anyone received a notice of their next year's cotisations?

I can't compare ours because I have opted for hospitalisation as an extra and 125% for teeth and eyes.  Also, I am apparently benefiting from a 30% reduction as our commune has now signed in to the mutuelle communal scheme.

What interests me is whether the réforme has affected premiums at all?   


Mint, on your second question, not had a renewal notice yet, I've asked for one, but not arrrived, as I'm thinking to change if I find one which suits better. On your first comment, I'm interested in one where the hospitalisation is an extra, and also the you can choose for teeth and eyes.  My current one gives no choice (except that you can up the cover) for hospitalisation, and doesn't cover specs at all ...I'd love to find a more modular appraoch to mutuelles, as most also cover for pregnancy, which I am never going to need now!!  PM if you prefer!  Ta!

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[quote user="Judith-aka-Judith"]

Mint, on your second question, not had a renewal notice yet, I've asked for one, but not arrrived, as I'm thinking to change if I find one which suits better. On your first comment, I'm interested in one where the hospitalisation is an extra, and also the you can choose for teeth and eyes.  My current one gives no choice (except that you can up the cover) for hospitalisation, and doesn't cover specs at all ...I'd love to find a more modular appraoch to mutuelles, as most also cover for pregnancy, which I am never going to need now!!  PM if you prefer!  Ta!


Judith, do have a read of Norman's links on page one of this thread.  After la réforme, teeth and eyes will be paid 100% by your caisse.  Still leaves the rest to pay, of course.  And the 100% will only cover a basic prothèse.  If you choose better dentures or spectacle frames, you will pay the extra.

If you choose dental implants, no one will pay for them. 

My Axa quote is for hospitalisation including single room and all the associated dépassements honoraires plus transport if you have a bon de transport.

Is your commune taking part in these communale mutuelles?  If so, it's worth looking into as there should be some savings.  I think that because of the réforme, many people are looking critically at their mutuelles and I have French friends and neighbours who are changing.

The mutuelles themselves seem to be on a bit of a recruitment drive and it's not a bad time to at least do a bit of research and asking around.

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Thank you, NormanH.  Will follow that link up. 

Also Mint, thank you.  I have no idea what our commune is doing for such things,  but I suspect rien. As for specs, well, after my cataracts op, I should not have to have new specs, but the pair I bought for driving have gone funny - the coating I believe ... and too old to claim anything back .. but I can't wait until next year to replace them as sunglasses (which do work OK) are no good the night driving!

Fortunately, for us, it is not the money, but the principle, I am finding that this year I have hardly needed a amutuelle and would certainly  have been better off paying myself rather than for a rather expensive mutuelle, hence the research!  Happy to pay for what I want, but not a lot for things I don't want or will never use (like a "cure"!).

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