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Gel shortage


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An interesting sidelight on the shortage of gel ( no, Norman, not that one); the government fixed the price of the stuff earlier in the week which left some pharmacies with orders and stocks that had cost more than the fixed price and which they were stuck with as they are not allowed to sell the stuff at a loss or were unwilling to do so.

Why the hell the govt didnt allow them to sell it at the lower price I dunno.

It seems that the real problem is that there is a shortage of containers as the manufacturers dont have enough and have shoved the price right up. So, pharmacies are making their own which is becoming available if you have your own container.

What about folks who dont? I reckon a clean washing up liquid bottle should be enough If they will accept it.
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WOW, well everyone would know you had wiped your hands if you used Dettol even diluted.

No idea to be honest and I do not use the gels, I get some skin problems and allergies as gels are too much for my poor skin.......and so I use soap and water and if there is only a cloth towel whilst I am out, I let my hands dry naturally.

We now know of someone whose BIL has it and they visited him when he started being ill, and we saw this friend a few days ago.

Who knows what that will mean for us, I am very philosophical about it. It will be what it will be.

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