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A very balanced article about hydroxychloroquine


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There have been a lot of claims for this medicine as a possible help in treating covid19

This is a very clear and balanced account of the pros and cons.
It is in French but I am sure people can use Google translate if needed..


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A very interesting read, Norman, thank you.

Just before reading it I watched an interview with Didier Raoult in English:


Also a news report from BFM TV / RMC / Bourdin Direct from the Marseilles institute on the treatment being used on patients, in French.

Interesting to see the queues waiting to go in - I’d read of the queues, but seeing them was quite something.


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Yes, an interesting article, especially as I have been wondering about this substance.

Those who know my interest in learning French will know that, unsurprisingly, I was more interested in some of the words and expressions than in the argument about hydroxychloroquine[:-))]

So here are some of the vocab and expressions I particularly liked:
double aveugle
petite taille de l'échantillon
feu vert
vénéneuse (this last had its meaning helpfully explained within the text)

The meanings of all of the above easily understood though I would not have been able to use them myself[:D]

Then, a grammatical little nugget which reminded me of learning which countries are feminine and which masculine!

So, for feminine countries:
en France
en Corée du Sud
en Thailande (can't do double dots over the i)


au Royaume-Uni and, though not mentioned in the article, aux états-unis

I didn't know what paludism was but, because the substance has a common bit with quinine and that is traditionally used for malaria, I guessed that paludism is malaria[:D]

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