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A list of places where masks have to be worn outside


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Yep, Betise, you are totally right.  Here, in Sceaux, the entire centre ville is now mask required. We live in the centre ville.  Yet, when we left out house to go to the grocery store this morning, 50% of adults were not wearing masks at all (all adult ages) outside on the streets.  Most people in Auchan were wearing masks, but 50% of them had their noses uncovered (this includes 2 AUCHAN EMPLOYEES).  Seriously, what is wrong with people?

There was no evidence of anyone enforcing the rule or even advising the 'uneducated' (kindest word I could come up with) that the rule is in place.  If there is going to be a damn rule, flippin' enforce it or forget it.  And yes, I realize enforcing it will be very difficult.  However, in a small town like mine, it really couldn't be that hard. 

There are far too many people who feel the rules don't apply to them.  I'm really sick of these people and the towns that are all hot air about masks now being required and yet having no interest whatsoever in enforcing the rule is met.

Livid !!!!!!

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Yes Mint, husband said he figured they were giving people a few days to comply.....  I'm fairly confident 90% of them watch, listen to or read the news - especially in this day and age. They know the rule and they know today is Monday..

Next week, if I see the same disregard of rule, I'm writing to the Mayor and to my local Auchan, which I'm sure will have no impact whatsoever, except to give me a small sense of satisfaction.. sad I know).  If the Auchan employees cannot learn how to properly mask, they should not be employed in a mask required environment.  If the town refuses to even attempt to enforce the mask rule, then they should not have the rule plastered on main page of their website.

Maybe it's the heat.  Sick of people with no respect for anything or anyone except themselves.

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You have every justification for being cross, Lori.  It would make my blood boil too.  Just that we live in the countryside and the threat does not seem so great as in other places.

But I do wish some people would get caught and get slapped with a big fine.

PS very annoying, seem to be getting a message about duplicate posts even though this is my first post today!

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Out again today, same story.  Dozens in mask zone unmasked (totally, not even one sitting on their necks).  And, again, Auchan employees and able bodied (at least they look very healthy) customers with masks sitting below their noses.

Maybe these people have some health condition that exempts them from covering their noses. Though I have serious doubts about that. I still say, if that is the case, they should not be operating the caisse in Auchan !! 

Very clearly far too many people just don't give a cra*.  I don't like these people.

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I saw a TV report (probably France 3) about Paris - masque obligatoire for les quais de Seine BUT walk up the steps and mask could be removed to walk across the bridge before being obligatory again after walking down the steps on the other side. That struck me (and the reporter) as being a bit odd.
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