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carte vitale and ALD


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Have to have a new MT because my previous doctor packed up shop and no longer practises.

Took me hours of telephoning before finding a new MT in the brand new pôle de santé in the nearest town.  So far so good.  There was even a texto to remind me that I have an appointment later today.

Now there is a new message on my phone to request that I bring money or a cheque because they cannot yet accept payment by carte bleue.

Am I right in thinking that with an ALD, I shouldn't have to pay upfront in any case?  I have seen 3 different doctors since my ALD and nobody has asked for payment.

It could be this new man/woman won't be asking me to pay and indeed it is no problem if I do have to pay upfront but I'd just like to know what to expect.

Advice soon, please.  My appointment is for 19.00.

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It is only treatment related to your ALD which is 100%, not all consultations or treatment. Your new MT may not know why you are going

Neither of the two MT I have had have accept bank card payment. And cash is always preferred as a cheque means a visit to the bank.
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This is your first visit to a Dr who doesn't know you or your history. He didn't sign your current ALD.

So .. whilst your carte vitale should have your ALD details in its chip .. as this is a new-to-you doctor .. also take your ALD attestation with you.

Also, as Wooly says take a cheque .. just in case.

You will be taking your mask, your carte vitale and your ALD so pop in a cheque as well.
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 Thanks, everybody.

Yes, new to our area and just setting up.  Had to ask me how we pronounce the name of our village, what illnesses I have had, etc.  VERY tedious.  Also not yet equipped with kits for colo-rectal tests or for urinary investigations.

Just as well I didn't need any médication as I have prescriptions that are à renouveler.  Still he signed me on as his patient, has given me another RV for Friday and said he'd do all the other things I still need on Friday.

 Not much choice at the moment in our area.  I must have rung about a dozen doctors and they have either a full list, cannot give me a RV until several days later and, in one case, has died!  I felt a right old wally as I was not sure when he died but his name was still in the yellow pages and listed as practising.

He didn't charge me anything so there is that, of course.

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I keep mine (reasonably up to date) on a USB Stick, but of course IF the Dossier Médical Partagé worked as it should it shouldn't be necessary.
But it doesn't[:@]

I have also made a 1 page of A4 summary with details (organised into different sections) of :

1) major illnesses with dates of signifcant events in reverse chronological order
2)Contact details of the relevent specialists I see

3) A list of my current medicines
4) Up to date results of coagulation and most recent cancer marqueurs

I keep a copy in my wallet in case of an accident or emergency, and can always give a copy to Doctor I haven't seen before at the first appintment

Of course I also have a much fuller 'dossier' I can give if needed, but this list has been very useful on many occasions, cutting out a lot of questions and answers

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No, Norman, I had no idea he was retiring.  Don't even know if it was retirement; he might have run off with one of his er....more buxom patients(es) for all I know. 

His space on dotolib says he "cessa toutes les activités" from 30 August.  Which wasn't much use to me as I was totally unprepared for that news and that was why I had the mad scramble for a doctor.

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