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A further tightening of restictions is likely: The President will be on TV Tomorrow evening


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Very odd. The one I printed early evening yesterday had it all correct as far as I can see  ???:

Déplacements pour effectuer des achats de fournitures nécessaires à l'activité

professionnelle, des achats de première nécessité
3 dans des établissements dont les

activités demeurent autorisées, le retrait de commande et les livraisons à domicile.

What I need to do is go to an empty house (where a relative used to live before he died) in order to pack stuff up as we have a buyer! Still working out which box to tick! The house is only 3km from us and we will see nobody.

Take care.

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It was covered under the second motif.

".............,des achats de première nécessité dans les activités demeurent autorisées......."

It included food shops and supermarkets in the list of authorised establishments

Edit: Typing at the same time as above.[:D]

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Yes, I agree with Hereford and Weegie, I would use the second box.

As an aside, I had a pleasant experience with les foncs, thinking about Chessie's post here[:)]

Both OH and I had separate emails from the préfecture for a meeting we have requested.  Blow me if the addresses for the meeting for him and for me weren't in different buildings about half a mile apart.  I sent an email to them asking for clarification.

And here is the WONDER!  By return, within 7 minutes, they replied saying they had made a mistake, APOLOGISING (!!!) and giving me a useful answer......well, I never......

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[quote user="chessie"]
Hi NoM - aren't we the clever ones !!
I thought it was my fault when I couldn't see where it covered essential shopping.
So 'we' have caught 'them' (the clever french officials) - in a mistake !!
Oh well - have to have something to smile about these days - there's enough 'bad' in the world at the moment.
Keep happy, keep safe - we've got Christmas soon !!

But there ISN'T a mistake. That clause is there in both the printed version (as I copied in a typographically garbled version above) and the one that can be filled in on the smartphone.

Don't you think that  the 'clever French officials' you are  laughing at have a difficult enough job?

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[quote user="Hereford"]
Very odd. The one I printed early evening yesterday had it all correct as far as I can see  ???:

Déplacements pour effectuer des achats de fournitures nécessaires à l'activité

professionnelle, des achats de première nécessité
3 dans des établissements dont les

activités demeurent autorisées, le retrait de commande et les livraisons à domicile.

What I need to do is go to an empty house (where a relative used to live before he died) in order to pack stuff up as we have a buyer! Still working out which box to tick! The house is only 3km from us and we will see nobody.

Take care.


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Apparently there was some confusion at the Préfecture in Périgueux.  They are still doing non-EU citizens TdeS at the Préfecture and a separate one for Brits at the Cité Administrative.

Some appointments for Brits were for the Préfecture.  I saw someone reporting that they had gone to the Préfecture who redirected them.   The staff at the Préfecture apparently telephoned ahead and he arrived in time but only just!

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Will you all please stop this;  I down-loaded the form BEFORE mid-night;  there was no mention of 'shopping for essentials'. 

Those of you who are questioning my version - please bear in mind that you are NOW looking at the corrected version.
You are looking at the up-dated version.
None of you will have seen the version that was put up first, and that omitted the words after this -(3) - there were no words to cover essential shopping.
The corrected version - which you are ALL looking at - does cover 'shopping'.   Why does no-one believe me ?

I know what I saw;  I know that section was missing; there's no point in going on and on about what NOW exists;  there was an omission, it's now been corrected - and we can all go shopping, every day, and keep spending our money to keep people in employment. Galleries Lafayette - I'm on my way !!!

Strange though - I was never stopped at any time during first curfew;  my friend, who lives a few miles away, had been stopped twice !!

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I was watching for new attestations, and even well after the PM's speech, the old curfew ones were still on line. The clue was in the date at the top of the page. The new ones did not become available until late in the evening, but were available before midnight, as I downloaded several different formats (including the digital one) and they all had a box (the second one) for shopping.

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As has been pointed out the forms needed were NOT the ones for the Curfew, they are ones for attestation de déplacement dérogatoire

Perhaps an imperfect knowledge of French is at the bottom of this mistake, not the fact that some clever Brits caught out the 'clever french (sic) officials' ?

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To be fair, websites do seem to be getting updated all over the place. The diplomatie website today has completely different information about EU cross-border and international travel from what it was saying yesterday. (Unless I'm losing the plot and forgetting what I read where, but I don't think so.)
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I was watching before Macron's speech.
I followed the links on the Connexion website.
It was the correct form.  It was not the one we were using in the first wave.

There were 3 ways of downloading;  not one of them included the words 'essential shopping' after the small 3 in brackets...
Can't show it properly but look at that section.  There's a small 3 in brackets - ie (3) - and there were no subsequent words.  Not on the first new one I saw.   On Thursday night.
Sadly although I did my own translation, and an on-line one to confirm - I didn't download and keep so that I can back-up what I am saying.
But as ET has kindly pointed out - web-sites are being updated, and revised, hour by hour...
So I probably caught the first version too soon; in draft form; to be polished; revised; up-dated.... whatever.
I do know what I saw, I know what was translated - and I know what was missing;  I had to go out shopping on Friday which was why I was looking for that particular form of words -
and    they  were   not   there.
Why would I make this up ?
Anyway, we've now all got the right forms - what's the betting we'll never be asked for them !!!
I'm shopping next week at Galleries Lafayette - I need a Birkin bag...it is essential !!

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Aux - thank you;  I was beginning to think I had gone mad, as well as it being suggested I didn't understand French.
Anyway - wasn't me that started it - it was 'them' - all those other posters -  they all gave me grief about it - they started it !!!!!!   I was just amused that the french had omitted something so important, and the reason why most of us would need the form.  Nice to know even finicky french officialdom sometimes makes a mistake - that's what I found funny - but no-one else saw the funny side.

Of course you're right - much more important things - it was just so irritating; I knew the section was missing -
and no-one believed me !!!!!!!
I think I'm going to buy my Birkin in a shade of beautiful cream from Galleries Lafayette - now that really is 'essential shopping' isn't it ? !!!
Kindness and hugs to everyone - we need something to smile about.

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[quote user="Lehaut"]I use the stop covid app (tousanticovid) on my phone when out and about. It now has a direct link to the correct form for going out. Fill it in and it generates the form automatically.[/quote]

So do I but it was several hours before they replaced the page accessed from the App from the curfew attestation to the current lockdown one. The correct form was available via other links long before it could be accessed via the App.
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