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Is Covid dying out ?


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In America cases are dropping. In India cases are dropping.


It is confusing Scientists and medical experts. There is no logic to it.

In the UK cases are going down and so in France. Two different approaches to controlling the virus but nevertheless, cases are dropping.

I have a hunch that Covid is actually dying out.

I guess it is running out of people to infect ?
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I certainly hope you are right, but I'm not so sure. 

Here, in France, we seem to be on a steady 20,000 to 25,000 new cases each day (for weeks now) with around 250 to 450 deaths each day.  That doesn't look like something that is dying out to me.

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I would love to think you are right ALBF.

But, the US is probably going down because now Trump is gone they are finally doing something about it.

The UK is probably going down because of the vaccine.

India I don't have a scooby about, I'm not up to speed.

I don't see much of a downward trend in France TBH. Every night I look at Worldometers and look for a trend, because I want France to open up very soon, but I would be kidding myself if I pretended I saw one. It's up and down but can't seem to keep below 20k a day.
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The news this morning is that there are increased restrictions particularly around Nice and some other cities in the eastern part ofFrance. The health Minister has said it doesn't look good!!

I rather suspect a general lockdown is being introduced by stealth. Still, what to expect after allowing a complete free hand over the holidays, and they are not finished yet!!!
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This morning it was announced that there will be more restrictions particularly around Nice and other cities in the east of the country. Verun has said "it doesn't look good"! A little understatement I think!

Allowing free movement during the holidays , I believe, was a mistake.
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Not locking down in January was the mistake. Not closing schools at least was a mistake.

It was cold and dark...so staying in was not a big problem.

Now we are in Spring, the government have no chance getting people to stay inside. People will riot.

With no lockdown and no vaccinnes, France is in the merde.

Putting deaths to one side for the mo, economically it is a disaster.

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I tend to agree. My belief. is that we will end up in another lockdown because of this "people must breath" nonsense. Add to that the vaccine shambles it isn' good news at all. Still, as long as there is solidarity being shown within the E.U. what does it matter! 82,000 deaths and counting!
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There are mixed view over the necessity to reduce general movement compared to the mass movement that is allowed for people to go to work, use the metro, bus tram etc.

What does continue to surprise me is the number of people who think that their actions have no consequences. Almost every night here in Nantes, the police control the "couvre-feu". And its always the same story, people running round in cars loaded with drugs, no insurance, not their car, drunk or under the influence of drugs stop sticks used to rip the tyres as they try to run away etc. I can understand in normal times they are disguised by the sheer number of other cars on the road, but not so at the moment.

Why? are they lacking something or do they think that there is no risk?
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