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New Vaccine Calendar


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So, here is the new calendar.  Obviously based on the EU/France actually getting some doses delivered - and God knows when or if that will happen.


So, what about people who turn 60 in 2021, but not before 16 April (no comorbidities).  Does that person have to wait until the 15 May to make an appointment for the 50-59 group?  I presume the answer is yes, but it would be nice if that was clarified.

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I would say yes, wait until May.

I was not expecting to get my first vaccination until late March to mid April, and they got ahead of themselves and it was at the beginning of March.

So you never know Lori, if they do get organised at long last, it could well be sooner than mid May. Here's to them doing just that!

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Sending hopes that you’ll receive your first jab earlier, Lori - here in the UK I definitely wasn't expecting mine until March, but had it on January 12th, with the second last weekend. So once the system is up and running smoothly, you never know!

Fingers crosses for you.
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I wouldn't say not much hope for Lori or anyone else, Judith.  There are large variations not only from area to area but I have found also from centre to centre in the same area!

It's truly astonishing and unbelievable but perfectly true.  I know many that do not qualify on the basis of their age but they seem to have got vaccinated well before OH though thankfully he's now had his first.

We only got our RVs through sheer luck, you could say fluke.  My RV was for the next day, so obviously a cancellation.  I was talking to one of our elderly conseillers and he knew of people in their 40s driving all the way here from Bordeaux (2 hour drive) and had vaccinations in our local market town.  And yet we had to drive over half an hour to another town to get ours!

No planning, no rhyme or reason, depends who you talk to, depends on if your luck is in, depends on your willingness to haunt the sante.fr site day after day and at different times of the day and night, depends on if you believe in miracles, maybe on how hard you pray.....in other words, who the hell knows?

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I agree with both of you Judith and Mint. 

I was not planning to attempt to find an appointment until mid April.  Maybe we'll have some more doses by then.

Round here, there ARE appointments, just not near us.  We do not have a car, so would need to use public transport to get to far off vaccine centers.  We are not yet willing to do that.

There are actually 3 centers that are within walking distance to us, but appointments are hard to get.  Husband checks throughout the day, each day as he is eligible.  I don't bother.

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Courage, Lori, I do believe that the vax prog is now getting into gear.  I think it's a real start this time, after all that coughing and choking and cutting out like an old bagnole so far.

This morning, I have an email from a friend who, after trying for months and trying at different venues, has now obtained RVs for her and husband.

Come April, things should definitely get off first gear if not quite into full throttle; the Johnson vax of only a single dose has absolutely got to speed things up.

Just keep doing all the things you have been doing so far and keep well and you will be shocked and delighted when you get your vaccines[:D]

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