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Just wondering about this 10 km radius....


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For example, does anyone here live more than 10 km from food shops?  If, say, there is nothing but a little épicerie near where you live, can you drive to a grand surface which is more than 10 km away?

Thank you Catalpa for your "radius" interactive map.  I looked up our village and realise that 10 km makes a miniscule circle.  I will hardly be able to join my walking group as even the rassemblement point is more than 10 km from my house[:'(]

I was really looking forward to a summer of walking (only 6 in a group and split the people into smaller units if more than 6) but it now seems I shall have to think again.

Can someone also confirm that it's OK to have one last throw of the dice, as it were, tomorrow....can go more than 10 km but must be back home by 19.00 and then, from midnight, no more going anywhere outside your tiny dot of a circle?

PS Would love to see my little circle on a full map of France, should press home the point that I am entirely ignorable.

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You can go to a food shop more than 10kms away (not during curfew, but during the day) but over 10km, you need the attestation.  That's all. Yes, I went to a friend's today in one of our neighbouring villages, I got to 10km just as I got the outskirts of the village .. she's at the opposite end .. so yes, it's not as far as you thnk, especially in the country, rules made for the townies, as ever.

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That’s my understanding too.

Be aware though everybody that the Gendarmerie are going to be very ‘active’ over the Easter weekend. That was forecast in the Midi Libre a day or two ago - really by way of a warning.

I can endorse that. Went to our local village / small town yesterday late afternoon to get a couple of things. On my out, I was ‘pulled’ by the local boys. “Carte Grise & Permis svp”.

Before I had much of a chance to unearth the car’s CG, the junior Gendarme (barely out of short trousers) said to me “You’re Monsieur Gardian, are you not?”

I didn’t want to remark that this didn’t seem like the perfect questioning technique, but he seemed happy and lost interest in any of my documents. I’m aware that with a vehicle reg, they can pull up almost everything about you including nationality, and since everything fitted OK, I was of no interest.

I hasten to say that I have no problem with controles like this. Just be aware though folks, that the Gendarmerie are going to be around a lot for a day or three.

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What I find rather odd about the 10k limit, ( as I do with any limit I suppose!) is that given it is designed to stop the spread of virus it seems ridiculous that I can travel 10k to somewhere, pass on any contamination to any number of people living there and they in turn can then travel a further 10k and contaminate others; so on and so on!!!

As for the easter weekend, absurdity doesn't come into it!

Unlimited travel for the weekend! Presumably the virus is taking the weekend off whilst stuffing itself with chocolate!!
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I heard on the news yesterday that SNCF have thoughtfully put on extra trains to get people out of Paris (and presumably other cities) and away to friends, family, résidences secondaires...

And that although the restrictions on travel would be from this evening (Sat, 7pm) the restrictions would be enforced 'lightly' until Monday evening to allow people to get back home after their weekends away.

So very French. [8-)]

I suppose more trains = more space so travellers aren't (as) over-crowded but encouragement to travel still seems daft to me.

Having said that, I (further) suppose there's a tacit acceptance by the gouvernement, police nationale, gendarmerie, etc, that some people will do as they choose anyway at times like Easter and they can't realistically manage to enforce / police half the population (otherwise they'd have stopped people leaving Paris in droves last week) so they hope to at least make people think before they get into cars or catch trains and then gradually enforce the rules.

ps: driving past an acquaintance's holiday home yesterday, we saw they were in residence. They're German, have driven from home which is Cologne in DE and I assume (based on their other visits) they'll be there for a week before driving all the way back again. I wonder how often they were stopped / will be stopped.

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Catalpa wrote: Having said that, I (further) suppose there's a tacit acceptance by the gouvernement, police nationale, gendarmerie, etc, that some people will do as they choose anyway at times like Easter and they can't realistically manage to enforce / police half the population (otherwise they'd have stopped people leaving Paris in droves last week) so they hope to at least make people think before they get into cars or catch trains and then gradually enforce the rules.

By which time, of course, they will have spread the virus very nicely!! Still, what's a few more dead?
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