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STILL waiting for your jab when you should have had it already?


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This is for Judith and others in a similar position.  Could this site help?  I am linking to my département but, of course, you just fill in your own when registering.  Worth a try?


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Thanks, Mint, yes I look at this one two for two depts since we are almost in another  here .. sadly, most that come up are too far away, and since he refuses to travel to it ... still, it if helps others ... 

I had my second dose yesterday, OK, arm slightly less sore, just feel a little "under the weather" rather than ill per se .. but taking life gently .. especially as I have 2-3 trips to Toulouse again next week ...

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Didn't feel a thing with the first dose, not when it went in and not afterwards.

Second dose last Wednesday and it was painful going in and even more painful afterwards.  Really very sore for a couple of days and I have felt tired.  But not sure if the tiredness was due to the injection or just because I am getting depressed and fed-up.

Good luck for next week and don't hesitate to have a VSL if you don't feel up to the drive[:)]

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First dose, felt the needle gong in, OK after.  Sore arm, that was all.  This time, never felt the needle, slightly sore arm, less than the first, gone now, 48hrs later, and some minor feeling as though I might be going down with something yesterday .. like you do when you wonder if you are getting a  cold, but which never materialised ... so hope I am now over it all, and thankfully can get on with the rest of the busy week!

Mint, yes, I know, staying up for 2 nights, late and early sessions, .. friends are happy to take me to the other sessions, which means I can relax and we can have a good chat ... 

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