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The Conseil Scientifique has published an advisory paper


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Warning of the risk of a fourth wave of Covid infections if  sufficient care isn't taken over how the lockdown is lifted.
It is particularly concerned that there not enough people will have been vaccinated by the 19th of May when  shops  and restaurant terraces will  re-open.

This report is unusual in that the Conseil decided to publish it of its own accord, whereas normally its advice is sought

An article  in LeMonde if you don't feel like wading through 36 pages:
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I too cannot understand this impatience to re open establishments when the rates of infection, hospitalisation, réa are still so high.

In the Dordogne, our rates of infection and deaths are going down at a steady rate but hospital admissions are high and bed occupancy is at about 85%.  Not ideal conditions for réouverture of anything.

I am hoping that conditions will indeed by some miraculous phenomenon improve because I can't see the government going back on its intentions.  There are signs that restos are doing much cleaning and re-ordering of their facilities and generally preparing their premises for later this month.

My Pilates class are re-starting in the open air on the 19th but we still don't know how many people are to be allowed to gather outdoors.

It seems that the government's promises are being taken seriously by interested parties so I don't think they can now readily change their minds over their stategy which is not based on any scientific or even common sense thinking.

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Thanks for that Norman ..

It is heartening with the lighter, longer, warmer days that some limited freedom will be allowed. The snag comes when some people go overboard with enthusiasm and get carried away.

As the report says .. a modicum of caution is the best way.

I am impressed that, at last, France is getting into gear re vaccination, and I think 450 000 jabs per day is not bad at all. But, as the paper says, with Ascension this week and then Pentecôte next week those figures will go out the window. It will then take time to get back on track.
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Not only 450 k Sue but over 600 k one glorious day last week.  Except then the weekend arrives and they push out the cart on Friday and then the numbers fall on Saturday and by Sunday a mere handful gets done[:@]

Is it FOUR jours fériés in May?  So I am not holding my breath.  If you are any good at praying, that's about the only resource left to you.

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