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Confused about the new rules?


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New day, new rules so what else is new?  For me, new confusion!

Has anyone seen the news pictures on tv with Macron and Castex, sitting opposite each other across a tiny square of table, chatting animatedly sans mask and apparently without a care in the world?

Did you also see how close the other tables are to theirs on that terrace?

Have I got this wrong, that terrasses can be open with distanciation, geste barriers, etc?  I thought there were going to be minimum distances between tables and that masks were to be worn except when eating or drinking?

As far as I could see, the only people wearing masks were media bods and their security people.

So then, who's got this wrong, poor old Mint here or the great Castex and the illustrious Macron?

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Just got back from a walk.  All restos/shops open, no masks on anyone, no tables distanced.  All exactly as life was prior to the Pandemic.  I didn't get close enough to see if tables were seated indoors, but it would not surprise me at all.  No rules (masks / distance) round here, including delivery guys and market vendors (today is market day here).

No one here wears a mask anymore.  Not that that many did with the previous rules, but now it is a rare thing to see someone wearing a mask.

We cannot wait to leave.

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Hardly ‘dancing in the street’ down here !

The three bars in our local big village / small town all put their tables and chairs outside over a week ago. Two of them opened up this morning, but one of them remained ‘shuttered up’. They’re a bit dopey in there, so they probably thought that it’s next week.

It was market day, so there was a bucketload of additional traders - all the non-essential ones which have almost certainly suffered badly.

The Credit Agricole ATM celebrated the deconfinement by being en panne this morning. I’m sure that there’s some scurvy knave in CA who says to himself “I wonder how I can muck everything up for as many people as possible today”.

Actually, very low key. A few, but not many ‘out of departement’ cars. No Parisiens, at least not here. Masks still de rigeur.

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Gardian and Lori, what I meant was that, seeing it was the President and Prime Minister, I thought it looked terrible[6]

Not exactly showing a good example?  You'd think that, if only for their own PR purposes, they'd show some restraint! 

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Although our local shops are quite busy, and number plates from a lot of destinations, everyone is wearing a mask.

Most of our shops have run out of hand gel, or haven't replaced, so a good idea to carry disinfectant wipes and hand gel.

It's too soon to go back to pre pandemic
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Yes, I always have disinfectant wipes in the car and hand gel in my handbag.

Have had emails from the organisers of our pilates class for practising in the open.  But I am hesitating because I think it's only 10 allowed together for leisure and sport à l'extérieur?  Can someone confirm whether that is right, please?

Have written to the teacher but she is not answering so I suspect that I am right and she is doing this for her own reasons!

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Thank you, betise.

I'm NOT participating and I don't intend to sign up again for next year.  I take great exception to people who should know better and don't follow the rules.

It's just selfishness on the part of so many that has prolonged this pandemic.

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