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Bills ?


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There will also be "taxe d'habitation" which includes the TV licence, insurance, possibly 'charges' (things like communal costs for the block) as well as utility bills.

Water is metered (unless counted under 'charges'), Electricity cheaper than the UK. I don't know about Germany

Don't forget to allow for the poor exchange rate if you have income in Sterling

You will also have to think about 'top-up' health insurance

Specimen monthly bills.

Elactricity 95 euros

water 70 (but this is higher than most)

taxe d'habitation  45

charges 30

Insurance (flat)25

Top-up health  65

These are real figures, but other people will have very different ones.

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[quote user="NormanH"]Welcome to the Forum [:)]

There will also be "taxe d'habitation" which includes the TV licence, insurance, possibly 'charges' (things like communal costs for the block) as well as utility bills.

Water is metered (unless counted under 'charges'), Electricity cheaper than the UK. I don't know about Germany

Don't forget to allow for the poor exchange rate if you have income in Sterling

You will also have to think about 'top-up' health insurance

Specimen monthly bills.

Elactricity 95 euros

water 70 (but this is higher than most)

taxe d'habitation  45

charges 30

Insurance (flat)25

Top-up health  65

These are real figures, but other people will have very different ones.


Thank you  for both "Welcome msg" and all the info.

At least now,i  can have an idea what  might be the "cost".

I think,the  insurance won't be problem for us but thanks a lot for the advise anyway.


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