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The dreaded tiscali after charging me 75 for the pleasure of not using their service have now sent me this email, strange thing is though it does not appear on my tiscali account it got picked up by outlook, when i went to my tiscali account to get rid of all the mail that is saturating my bote aux lettres there is nothing there????
Tried sending myself an email and they are right it got bounced back bote aux lettres is saturated!!!

Does anyone know what is going on??

Votre bote aux lettres est sature ! Elle excde sa capacit autorise.
Les nouveaux messages ne peuvent dsormais plus tre reus et ils seront
renvoys l'expditeur avec une note spcifiant que votre bote aux lettres est sature.

Remarque : les messages conservs dans les dossiers tels que Corbeille, lments supprims, etc.
sont pris en compte dans votre quota.

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This is very simple. Your message box is full. If you use Webmail then be sure to delete the messages *and* empty the trashcan from time to time. If you use OE then it should be congfigured by default to erase messages as they are downloaded. The OE solution is quicker and simpler.
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