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Boite Numeris - Mazan

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Hi can somebody tell me what "Boite Numeris". Perhaps Mazan is on line. I have a feeling it's ISDN, some information about it (spead, price etc) would be nice.

(I have ADSL so the question is actually posted for another person who does not have ADSL in their area)

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Yes, Numeris IS ISDN, Available almost everywhere, costs exactly twice the price of a single FT line. Occasionally FT will tell you it is not possible to install it: suspect often this is sales people who don't know enough about it, but sometimes genuine reason is lack of line capacity (esp. if you are w-a-y out in the sticks on the end of one, thin, fil).
In practical terms, I would expect you to get download speeds at (getting on for) twice that of ordinary dial-up connection at same location. Plus you get additional numbers/accessible when on line (although your connection speed drops to that of standard, dial-up 'cos you don't get owt for nowt).
Numeris Duo is the business version.

hope this helps a bit.

Mazan has filed several longer, more informative (and probably more accurate) threads on this subject, should be in the archives if you search 'isdn'

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FT charge 104 for installation and offer their modem for 150, I followed Mazan's advice and bought an Olitec modem for 56 (from www.european.fr - excellent service). Internal PCI or external USB are both the same price.

The line rental increases from 26 every two months to 51, but you now get 2 digital lines and an analogue line. If you use the two digital lines together, you will obtain a connection speed of 128 kbps but this ties up your incoming line although you can still call out on the analogue (fax) line.

If you connect at 128kbps on pay as you go (access libre) you will pay twice the single line rate. As Mazan has said in previous messages 9online currently allow 128k access on their unlimited service for 24.90 or 19.90 a month if you use their phone service. Please note that any discount telephone service provider, One Tel, Budget etc will be disconnected when FT change you on to Numeris and you will have to ask your provider to reconnect or you will pay FT prices and in the case of One Tel a 2.90 a month minimum charge until you cancel the account.

It is vitally important that you give your internet service provider the correct phone number (they describe it as tete de la ligne) which should be your previous analogue number.
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