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Complete France Forum

Redevance De L'Audiovisuel

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I have not recieved my reminder for my TV licence as yet, I can only presume it is in my letter box in France although they have my UK address. I have looked through all the links but can not find the one to renew online if it is at all possible, can any one help as I believe there is a surcharge for late payment, as I have found out to my cost with my Tax Fonciere.

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I've just had a look at our current payment slip and there is no indication of a web site address at all I'm afraid. Just a phone number and the adress. As you probably know they operate regionally so if you say where you are someone may be able to give you the details for that centre and you could send them a cheque (116.50 Euros in September). Whether the beaurocracy will allow them to assosiate such a cheque with you is anyone's guess!

This was the one organisation who I could never persuade to send the bill to the UK address when we lived in England and I ended up settling for a Direct Debit which, normally I won't do.

Liz (29)
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