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Sky Mini Dish - Skew adjustment

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We are in Ariege on the edge of the Pyrenees and have a marginal signal on a standard SKY minidish which degrades on 2D channels in rain. I will be buying a larger dish when I return in March but wondered if there is a means of adjusting the skew ?

I have checked a lot of the previous postings but skew is never mentioned in the indstallation details but from UK installation experiences on other satellites I know it can be critical with a low signal.

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The last time skew was metioned was in Satellite dish angle of elevation thread which is now on page 2 of this forum. There is a lot of detail in there about finding the screw to enable the LNB to be adjusted once you wade through the invective. The calculator for skew based on logitude and latitude was first posted by Mazan. There is more detail on how to adjust Skew in marginal areas on the second link.



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