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Complete France Forum

Will this card be Kosher?

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I am in the process of sourcing a sky dgibox & FTV card for use in France.

One supplier is advertising, on their web site, a Pace 2600 including a viewing card. I called them and they stated that their viewing card does NOT need activating and the box is supplied with the card fully activated.

So, firstly, is a Pace 2600 digibox a good and reliable box? And secondly dak if the so called viewing card which appears not to be of the FTV variety work? ie has anyone got one, tried one or know anyone who has one of these cards?


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The Pace 2600 is a perfectly good box and the card that comes with it will probably be an expired subscription card. In theory these belong to Sky and should be returned to them. In practice expired series 2 subscription cards will probably continue to decode the FTV channels until the next card issue.
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