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French Satellite TPS & Canal Plus

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The cost between the two is much of a muchness, we currently pay about 40 a month for canal + (two boxes though) which has a few more channels than TPS. - We have the movie channels (6 I believe including TCM), several sports programs (not sure about footie, I don't watch it) and the regular channels - which includes sky news and BBC world. All in all it's excellent, and there's almost always "something on" - and english (language) movie every night also, as well as a few english language series on Jimmy (Soprano's, freinds, Six Feet Under etc etc). The one advantage that TPS has as far as I'm concerned is BBC Prime, but other than that I'd go with Canal - our cleaner has TPS and is always monaing about the lack of anything to watch - she's french as well!

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Just remembered that if you have the time and patience you can do a manual install on a canal box - and you'll pick up the odd channel your not supposed to - the most noteable being european MTV and BBC Prime - but you can't view BBC Prime becouse it's coded/encrypted.. I'm currently trying to find a second hand canal + box to crack open and see if I can re-program it - unlikely at best though
I have a schematic for an eeprom programmer lurking around somewhere!
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Best thing to get is just canal+ which will give you French football as well as a good roundup of European, including English, footie on a Sunday evening in L'quipe du Dimanche. For your wife it also plays 3 or 4 fairly recent blockbuster type movies a week, you can program your box to 'diffuse' them in English with French subtitles, regards L.
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