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Radio 4 on digital/shortwave radio.

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I have a portable digital/shortwave radio, which I bought specifically to enable me to listen to R4 with FM ish quality sound and programmes.(can't stand the 198LW especially during the test match seasons)
Thing is, I don't seem to be able to find a digital frequency for anything, let alone R4. The digital tuner justs goes on searching forever in complete silence.
How do I locate the channel I want, assuming I am right in thinking it exists. Is there a preset frequency I can lock on to?
As you can tell, I am not a techno wizz, so any advice much welcome. We live in Normandy, but too far from coast for normal FM.
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LAST EDITED ON 14-Jan-04 AT 10:54 PM (GMT)

I wanted a digital radio for Normandy myself, but no go for BBC (or much else by the look of it). Range of digital transmitters is very localised, there are large areas of UK without BBC coverage, let alone France - see http://www.bbc.co.uk/digitalradio/listen/where.shtml for BBC coverage map.

Sorry, but it seems you won't be able to get digital radio, other than via Sky satellite.

Will (50)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Do you mean a digital radio or what you more likely have is a SW radio with a digital display?-two very different things-SW is not yet digital in any country.If you contact BBC world service they will give you details of all their wavebands.
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You are very unlikely to have a digital radio if it has SW on it-what you most likely own is a conventional radio with a digital display-something completely different and usually much cheaper.BBC world service will give you details of all their wavebands(can be found on the WEB).
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