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Internet in France Encore!!

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I know this has probably been covered before but...

I need to access my e-mails from France and I have NTL as my server in UK. Could I simply phone the NTL number from France (adding the 0044 of course) and just download my e-mails as usual or would it know that I was phoning from a different computer? I have e-mailed NTL but of course they are far too busy to respond to individual e-mails for help!

Thanks in anticipation etc.

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I am in a similar situation regarding access to emails on my NTL account.

NTLworld have a link from their home page (www.ntlworld.com) to a page where you can access your emails via the internet without having to use an email program.

All you need to do is to enter your email address and the password which you normally use to access your emails and hey presto there they are.

In this way you can subscribe to any service provider you like in France and still get at any emails that turn up on your UK account, thus avoiding expensive phone bills to the UK.

NTL have just upgraded their server and currently their service is fine.
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