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Zapping That Woman

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I am a great supporter of the Michel Thomas method of learning a language, but I feel the same way about That Woman as many who have made comments in La Mairie. The male student annoys me too with his persistent refusal to pronounce est like the a in may, sticking to his personal favourite, e as in bet. The end result is that revision of the course is a real chore and carries the risk of hooking into the same bad habits as the students.

Having copied the course on to my PC, I would love to be able to edit out the waffle so that I am left with the bare essentials. I have tried to find some suitable software via Google, but have only found over-complicated commercial programs.

Any ideas?

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>the male student sticking to his personal
>favourite, e as in bet.

Sorry Chico no ideas about your deleting waffle question, but I was taught that 'est' was pronounced as 'e' in bet not as 'a' in 'may'; so perhaps that is not his preference but the correct way to say it?

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