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Yes you do need a licence. They are issued by the "Service de la Redevance de l'Audiovisuel"
I have my bill in front of me and there is no mention of the possibility of paying it on line. It's part of the Tresor Public, although your local office will probably deny all knowledge of it! It seems to be a regional entity, so you might find a ref to it in your pages jeunes or on the gouvernment web site.
I can give you the address to write to if you are in Dept 44
(it's Rennes for us, so possibly serves pays de loire and/or Brittany as well)
116E50/year, they send you a reminder.

If you live out in the sticks, the odds are if you don't receive a reminder, you won't be bothered by them unless/until you buy a TV in a French shop. They (the shop) have a duty to report new sets to the R. de l'a and you'll quickly receive a facture from them thereafter.

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If you buy a new TV set in France then the French retailer will automatically (by law) notify the licensing authority and then you automatically get a bill for a TV licence.

If you are bringing a French compatible TV set into France then you will need a license and I think that it can be issued from the same office that sends you the Tax Fonciere demand for your property

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