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Problems with AOL.9

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Having been sent AOL.9 through the post and having read that it has advantages over earlier marks, we went ahead with the installation. It seemed to work at first but we soon discovered a problem. If you run the diagnostic section off-line or if you are thrown out when on-line or it becomes disturbed in anyway you can not re-access aol. More than that you cannot start anything, like phone tools, fax or an earlier version of aol, which uses the telephone line. Error messages indicate a problem with the COM Port. Restarting the computer clears the problem and everything works until the next time AOL.9 does whatever it does to cause the problem. I have tried re-loading AOL.9 but all that has done is to loose the transfer of favourites. Still got AOL.7 working unless blocked by AOL.9 and whatever it does to cause the fault. A bit shy of ringing them as they don't want to communicate in anything other than French (an earlier experience) and mine is just not up to deep technical discussions! Any suggestions gratefully received............John (Tearing out what little hair he has left) in Dept 79
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Do yourself a favour John - uninstall AOL and in the future avoid it at all costs.
It is a truly horrible piece of intrusive software.
If you carry on with it - it will control your PC and the way you do things on it.
Nasty stuff !
Don't be sucked in by the Mickey Mouse 'great for the family' approach - this is malware at it's worst.
(You've probably realised that I don't like it !).
I won't have it on any PC's I administer.
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I love aol - have had it for years - never had any problems. But, I do keep my computer very clean - use protection packages and am appauled how much cleaning I have to do. I think hackers are so clever, they corrupt programme files and it is not aol who is giving you the problems.

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I've had exactly the same problems with a AOl 9 free trial I was sent. It's a load of rubbish and since installation I've had nothing but problems with my pc. I keep getting errors messages about my internet settings whilst trying to get onto various websites. I logon through AOL then use Internet Explorer and then I don't get the errors.
As soon as free trial is over I will return to what was FREESERVE (wanadoo now I think) Pay As You Go.

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