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Complete France Forum

Free to air/view/????

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>Now what will we call this

"No such thing as a free lunch?"

Actually it looks great, and just what we want in France. 150 one-off payment for a box, dish and loads of channels is excellent value. A couple of things the BBC article doesn't seem too clear about -

1. does it include ITV, Channel 4 and five (i.e. the 'free to view' channels or is it just the Free-to-air ones plus a few obscure channels? and

2. is there an obligation to be connected to the telephone line for a period, like the other Sky subsidised schemes?

Will (50)
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I heard yesterday on the BBC news that the 150 included installation. It sounds to me that this is all sewn up in a nice neat UK only package. I await developments but am not holding my breath

Liz (29)
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