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Can you walk into a mobile phone shop in France and just buy one as you can in this country and if not what do you need. We are going over in the next couple of weeks to sign a few bits and pieces and were wondering if we could pick up a mobile while there, as the calls back through vodaphone are very expensive.
thanks Graham
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>Can you walk into a mobile
>phone shop in France and
>just buy one as you
>can in this country and
>if not what do you
>need. We are going over
>in the next couple of
>weeks to sign a few
>bits and pieces and were
>wondering if we could pick
>up a mobile while there,
>as the calls back through
>vodaphone are very expensive.
>thanks Graham

Indeed you can. Just like the UK you can get a contract 'phone or a "pay as you talk". Contracts are roughly the same as the UK (although my 200 "free" minutes a month includes calls to foreign mobiles!). However PAYT credits expire after a month or so (as they used to in the UK), so perhaps this is not what you want until you are here more of the time.

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Of course you can buy them anywhere, anytime - just like in the Uk.
Thanks for another absorbing reply to a posting TU - I don't understand a word of it but it's fascinating just the same.
If you were an artist you would surely be Munch, non ?
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