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Hello Folks, well we have arrived at Le Plessis, settling in but quite a few small problems, no gas or electricity on day one, now sorted, filled up the oil tank only to find out it was corroded underneath, it looked perfect, so have had to buy a new tank and with help of kind neighbours pump it out from one tank to the other, still its all part of lifes rich pattern and we do love it here, and the bretons we have met have been fantastic, now I need to sort out my internet access. I am with AOL and pay 15.99 per month for unlimited access, however to log on from France I will have to pay an excess of 2.50 per hour on top of that. If I change my provider I will loose my AOL personal filing cabinet. Have you had that problem anyone and if so how did you ovecome it. Thank you.
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HI Jaybee,

Okay - try this as it worked for me and I've had no excess charges for the 20 odd months we've been in France. I'm doing this from memory to avoid having to sign off myself!

1. Go to your sign on screen
2. Choose the option "Add a new location"
3. Make France your location 2
4. Scroll down list and highlight France
5. Opt for the number which says (I think) Offre tout compris.
6. Click save.

If this doesn't work for you then come back to me as it probably means I've missed out a step (hard to describe every step when the right screen isn't in front of you).

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You have a golden opportunity here to rid yourself of just about the most God-awful piece of rubbish you can put on your computer.
Ditch AOL and move on !
(It might take you a while to clear their junk from your registry but it will be worth it - trust me - I'm a systems engineer !!!)
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