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Sky box has gone to sleep!!!

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I'm trying to find out if anyone else is suffering from total loss of signal on Sky...

I was watching a film last night when the screen just died and the box went into standby for no reason. I could not activate it for 30 mn, unplugged, waited, replugged and got a "looking for channels" screen and it came back as normal...(missed the end of the film though!)

All was well this morning, but it has just happened again and I cannot seem to get anything apart from a red standby light on the box. I cannot even check signal strength or anything as I can only see a blue screen...

Any suggestion will be very gratefully welcome!

Many thanks.

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I was just going to post to say ours is off too! We had a tremendous thunderstorm just as Eastenders was about to start and lost it. I'm glad it's not just me 'cos I was worried the dish had been hit by a giant hailstone! (No, I'm not joking!) What do you think may have happened?? I hope the satellite hasn't been knocked out of orbit by an asteroid or something!
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