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Tiscali Server Problem

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My ISP is Tiscali. I have a e-mail servers with another provider (Internetters in UK) also. I recive and send all mail through the internetteres server without problems. The Tiscali server has decided not to allow me to receive mail. The settings have not changed at all. I can see there are now 25 mails in the server but cannot access them. I cannot find suitable assistance in Tiscali selfcare and there is never a reply from the Tiscali helpdesk telephone number. Any one any ideas as to why this should suddenly be the case?
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I forgot to include this in my initial posting. Whilst I am able to translate it I do not understand it from a technical point of view.

Votre serveur a mis fin la connexion de manire inattendue. Les causes possibles peuvent tre des problmes au niveau du serveur ou du rseau, ou une trop longue priode d'inactivit. Compte: 'pop.tiscali.fr', Serveur: 'pop.tiscali.fr', Protocole : POP3, Rponse du serveur : '+OK 460 bytes', Port : 110, Scuris (SSL) : Non, Numro d'erreur : 0x800CCC0F
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