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Trojan Backdoor Agent B

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I have read everyones comments on this and we too get continual postings from Norton Anti virus stating we have this and the file name. Have tried deleting file but access denied. Hubby has stopped evryone using the computer now as worried that all our info is being extradited. I did a scan on the file but it came up clean. What exactly is this, and how can I stop the postings from Norton. The posting says, Unable to clean file, unable to quarantine file access denied; Does access denied mean Trojan was denied access or Norton was denied access to clean?? I am totally confused;

PS. Will have read all your info and will download, but will this help this current problem or future ones.

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Symantec give full instructions on removing the trojan on the link below:

I strongly recommend that ALL subscribers to Norton AV check live update everytime you go online, even if you have set live update on automatic it only checks approx once a week but new protecttion is being released daily.

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I think that we had this one the other day and Norton allowed us to delete it though it could not repair the file. Our Free AVG software did not detect it! I do an update of virus definitions about every three days..............J in 79
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have AVG Professional on my PC and this has found Trogan thingy several times now. Each time it appears I am allowed to delete the file. It then comes back again a couple of minutes later and the only thing I can do is to select 'continue'. There doesn't seem to be any change to my PC so far. I had Ad-Aware installed and it threw out a couple of the Gain programmes I had running, 'Date Manager' and 'Weatherscope' and would not let them stay. So I ditched Ad-Aware.

Any ideas of a programme that will try to stop these viruses and still let the Gain programmes, that I have, run.


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I use AVG for virus protection in conjunction with Zone Alarm for firewall and a second virus email protection, this is programmable to allow any of your pet programs acces to the internet. Then I use Pest Patrol which is an add on for Zone Alarm for spyware, keystroker logger and other nasties, they seem to co exist happily on Windows XP with SP1



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[quote]I have AVG Professional on my PC and this has found Trogan thingy several times now. Each time it appears I am allowed to delete the file. It then comes back again a couple of minutes later and the on...[/quote]

Download CWShredder. This will remove the bugger for good.
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When you say 'postings from Norton' do you mean messages on your computer saying that an infected file has been found, or e-mails about viruses?

From the rest of your message I'm sure you mean the former, in which case you can take comfort from the fact that it has been found, even though it has apparent difficulty getting rid of it altogether it should be stored out of harms way.

But for those who get the latter type of message, be very careful. There are very genuine looking e-mails around saying they come from a reputable anti-virus source, and which apparently have a genuine return address, telling you to open the attached file to protect your computer. These are actually the opposite to what they say, and the attached file carries a virus or worm itself.

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