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I am new here and having looked in archives and not found an answer, I am hoping a wizard will know.

I have a Logicom Iloa 350 cordless with its "little brother". The cheap phone I keep mainly for use during stormy weather, (as it was only 10€ and can fry) works fine.

My problem is with the cordless phones: I can dial out but cannot get them to ring. Both stopped ringing shortly after I extended the main phone cable to another part of the house. They did ring before I extended the cable. Thinking they had fried, I had them replaced by Castorama, but the replacements don't ring either. I have checked both the original arrival point and the extension against FT wiring diagrams and it all seems to match (wire colours and numbers).

Does anyone have any suggestion please? Many thanks

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It might be that your phone is particularly greedy in terms of current and that by extending the line you have increased the resistance and hence are calling for more current than the FT line can supply. It'll do the same thing in England, too, if you have too many phones on one line. It's the REN thing again. Have you tried plugging the phone directly back into the original socket?

Ben Symons

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Many thanks for your suggestions. I have tried both phones together at my neighbours' and they still don't ring. I will try one only and see what happens!

Failing all I will ask Castorama to take it back and argue for a credit note as I probably won't get a refund!

Many thanks

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