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WIN XP Service Pack 2

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For all you ‘lucky’ people with Windows XP both home and Pro versions.


Service Pack 2 is now available and as well as installing all up to date security packs also installs some nice features that you might find useful like a ‘Pop up Stopper’ and a ‘Firewall’, it also has enhanced ‘Spyware’  protection all of which can be controlled via a nice new Security Centre available in the Control Panel.


AS already stated in FAQ it is important to keep your PC up to date and for XP users the new ‘Windows Update’ program can be set to update at a specified time which means not having your PC tied up updating when you want to check the forum.


Visit www.microsoft.com and click on the Windows Update on the left under Product Resources. You can order the update on CD if you wish, just follow the same link.


Windows Updates are very, very important and I can’t say strongly enough that you should install them.


Good Luck

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[quote]For all you ‘lucky’ people with Windows XP both home and Pro versions. Service Pack 2 is now available and as well as installing all up to date security packs also installs[/quote]

Instead of rushing to download it. It's well over 4 hours on dial-up. Wait till the end of this month and a lot of computer mags are putting it on their cover cds. Pcadvisor are doing it and also giving tips either way aswell.
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[quote]Instead of rushing to download it. It's well over 4 hours on dial-up. Wait till the end of this month and a lot of computer mags are putting it on their cover cds. Pcadvisor are doing it and also givi...[/quote]

I agree with the download thing on dialup but you can run it over night. You could get somebody to download it over ADSL for you and make a CD. Do you know if any French PC Mags are doing the same and if so is it language dependant?

I did notice having installed it on 4 PC's now that the download size varies from between 75 to 117Mb depending on type of unit (I believe it's different for laptops than desktops for instance as their are changes to power management) but this could be a way of saving download time.

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[quote]For all you ‘lucky’ people with Windows XP both home and Pro versions. Service Pack 2 is now available and as well as installing all up to date security packs also installs[/quote]

As I mentioned on a another thread and just as a word of warning.  I installed it only to find I couldn't collect emails or connect to another forum.  Eventually I deinstalled my Zone Alarms Firewall and everything worked again.  Not suggesting it was SP2's fault, just that in my case it conflicted with other software.


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[quote]I agree with the download thing on dialup but you can run it over night. You could get somebody to download it over ADSL for you and make a CD. Do you know if any French PC Mags are doing the same and...[/quote]

Unfortunately it would be in French. I have PCadvisor delivered at the cost of £100 per year. Bloody cheek!!!!!!!!

When I get the cover cd  with sp2 on. I'll mail you a copy if you send me your address in PM's

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Thanks for the offer Boghound, my machines are in English and I have already installed it. I have to say that it all went really well with absolutly no problems.

A few tips, if you have a popup stopper and firewall then remove them first, as they are no doubt they are kosha copies you can always re-install them from the CD's after.

The install time is very long (3hrs seems about right) but the download on ADSL is not that long, about an hour.

Some 3rd party software may well have to be reinstalled after, you can check this via the TID's on the MS site. Likewise if your PC crash's after installing and you were using only MS products (like it happened using Word or IE) then check with MS website as there are service packs for individual packages. Office XP is on SP1 but SP2 will be available shortly, not having these already installed may cause problems.

If you install and then deinstall remember to look in Installing and Removing Software in the Control Panel after removing it as you will find that as part of the install it removes all previous updates as it is a cumulative patch and they are re-installed under the SP2 program. So basically if you do remove the patch you must go back and install all the individual patches by hand which takes for ever. Incidently if you have auto update on it will attempt to install SP2 at some stage.

Once installed there is no reason to turn off the firewall (Control Panel - Security Centre) and then install your own version but do check to see if it is compatable with SP2.

I notice it 'plugs in' to McAffee AV (it's what I use) to ensure it's updated and that you can turn the McAffee auto-updates on and off via the Security Centre. I don't know if this works with other AV's but it could help automate ones that require a manual download, worth looking in to (not by me).

Finally, don't get me wrong guys (and girls) I am not a great fan of MS and at times (in my previous life) it has send me in to rages of unprintable realms BUT it is what we all use so one has to live with it. Before anyone says I used to be very active in the London LINUX user group but it never really caught on in the desktop world.

Good luck.

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Boggie - some of us use French Windows XP so might be interested in a French update package.

The French updates etc always seem to be behind the English ones anyway.

I think I'd prefer to wait and see if it's worth installing the service pack, sounds as if it just brings greater problems of its own, and I have to say I haven't experienced many problems with my existing XP.

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[quote]Boggie - some of us use French Windows XP so might be interested in a French update package. The French updates etc always seem to be behind the English ones anyway. I think I'd prefer to wait and ...[/quote]

I'm with you "Will". I've both but will load English version when cover cd arrives. Or might wait a bit longer and let the "Nerds" sort the problems out first and see what patches are released next week!
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Interesting to note that in their ‘Vote’ the results were as follows.:


I've installed it, and I had no problems at all. 40.0%


I've installed it, had a few minor glitches, but all is now OK. 11.2%


I've installed it and had major problems - I'm hoping to solve them. 3.5%


I tried, but it caused so much trouble I had to uninstall it. 6.5%


I'm leaving it for a while, until I feel more confident. 30.5%


I'm not going to touch it with a barge-pole.......ever. 8.4%


I had a look in their forum as well. The best I can make out is that those that had problems were with third party software and fix’s were available from those companies (except one who admitted they had a problem and were looking in to it. Outlook Express required the accounts to be re-entered again before they would work although the full version (which I use) had no problems. Overall most people seemed to give the impression that it installed with no problems. I suppose it’s the old question of is the glass half full or empty. I think the above stats and their forum give a resounding thumbs up.


Well it works fine for me on 4 PC's and the pop up stopper is much better than the freebee one I downloaded.

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After various problems with the SP1 on my Dell Laptop (and many frustrating hours!) i was advised by Dell NOT to install any updates, disable the auto update option and leave my computer as it was when i received it. At least it worked properly then!

I've got Zone Alarm and Nortons Anti-Virus for protection and run some other progs weekly and i've now had 10 months of hastle free computing! So, no, i will not be using any service packs or microsoft updates! My computer is used daily for work and may be 'stuck' at its factory settings but at least it works ok! 

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Thought this might be appropriate


God was looking down on earth one day and decided that things
were not going to get better, in fact they were getting worse
every day. He said to himself thet it is time to start over
again with a new batch who might be able to do better than this
bunch of humans are doing.

So he called up three men, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and
Micale Gorbachev. They are the three best media for getting his
message across. He told them that he was disapointed with mankind
as it is and that he was going to destroy the earth in 30 days.
They had to go back to earth and tell everyone this message.

Bill Clinton called a press conference and said I have some
good news and some bad news. The good news is that our belief
in God is true, I met with him this morning. And the bad news is
that he will destroy the earth in 30 days.

Micale Gorbachev went back to his people and told them he
had some bad news and some realy bad news. First the bad news,
our denial of God is not true, there is a God and I met with him
this morning. The really bad news is that he is going to destroy
the earth and we only have 30 days to repent.

Bill Gates went back to his people and told them that he had
some good news and some great news. First the good news is that
our belief in God is founded, I had a talk with him this morning
and the really great news is that we will be able to stop
releasing security patches for WindowsXP in less than a month!



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[quote]After various problems with the SP1 on my Dell Laptop (and many frustrating hours!) i was advised by Dell NOT to install any updates, disable the auto update option and leave my computer as it was whe...[/quote]

I was wondering, did Dell also inform you that MS won't give you phone support unless your PC is up to date? If you contact MS for help the first thing they do is ask for the build version and s/n then ask for a list of installed updates. Normally they will tell you to bring it up to date and if the problem still exists to call them back for help. Mind you it's Dell so I doubt it.
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[quote]I was wondering, did Dell also inform you that MS won't give you phone support unless your PC is up to date? If you contact MS for help the first thing they do is ask for the build version and s/n the...[/quote]

In the last 6 years and with three computers, i've never had to contact Microsoft for any help. As i heard they charge around £120 to solve a problem (via the phone), i've no intention of contacting them! As i only have a printer and occasional digital camera on my computer there's certainly no complex issues there to cause problems.

I've only had to contact Dell as a result of installing the SP1! Dell i found very helpful though and spent a long time helping me re-install EVERYTHING after the problems SP1 caused me. Whilst my computers are working ok, the only thing i'll keep updating are the antivirus progs etc.

Like anything in life....what works for some doesn't for others i guess.   

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[quote]Downloaded, installed, crashed, deinstalled. Waiting for SP3![/quote]

"Crashed and burned" as well after installiong SP2(couldn't receive/send e mails or go onto any web sites)! Using the revert to previous settings option did the trick though.

Surely from all the testing MS say they have done, I can't be the only one running Norton 2004? so why would such a major bit of s/ware clash with SP2 or even the other way round??

Are we again all doing the alpha testing  for M/soft?

Whilst SP2 may be have big improvements, I think I'll wait a few months before I have another go. Maybe by then the bugs and conflicts will have been solved?

Good luck with SP2!


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"Crashed and burned" as well after installiong SP2(couldn't receive/send e mails or go onto any web sites)! Using the revert to previous settings option sorted the problem.

Surely from all the testing MS say they have done, I can't be the only one running Norton 2004? so why would such a major bit of s/ware clash with SP2 or even the other way round??

Are we again all doing the alpha testing  for M/soft?

Whilst SP2 may be have big improvements, I think I'll wait a few months before I have another go. Maybe by then the bugs and conflicts will have been solved?

Good luck with SP2!


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Most people who decide to wait for MS to sort out the patch are in a way doing the right thing but not for the reason they think.


MS send beta versions to all companies selling certified software so they can check their software. Some companies get on it straight away, some do not treat it with the urgency it deserves or rather do a quick test, yep that’s Ok, then wait to see what happens. It’s the old difference between being pro-active and re-active. The companies that sell products not ‘certified’ by MS have to wait for the full release. Often there are new drivers (my HP DeskJet T45 need new ones) to take in to account new DLL’s etc. So by waiting you are actually waiting for the rest of the industry to catch up, not for MS to sort out the bugs.


As for spending £120 with Microsoft to get a problem sorted out, well what can I say, it’s never cost me a penny (well except once or twice for the cost of a call). They are always very helpful and give true 24hr 7 day a week service. Their website and TID’s are always worth a read as well.

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Hi All,

95% of the up dates on SP2 are not relevant to most users. The important up dates are Explorer and outlook express which can be done from the MS website fairly quickly.

Also, if you have any MS products on your computer where the serial number has been cracked so you get free software from MS, the SP re-activates the activation and makes a right mess of your computer.

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[quote]Hi All,95% of the up dates on SP2 are not relevant to most users. The important up dates are Explorer and outlook express which can be done from the MS website fairly quickly.Also, if you have any MS ...[/quote]

I am sorry but your comments are not totally true, you should look at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/maintain/sp2chngs.mspx in the TechNet library on the Microsoft website. There is a certain amount to do with internet and email security but there are a lot more other 'things' that it fix's or enhances.

With regards to the use of 'keys' new corporate keys were isssued some time back and as part of the install proceedure of Windows XP (the bit when it downloads the updated setup program from the internet) the old keys are removed and the installation will not proceed. It is nothing to do with the installation of SP2.

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