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Here's an arcane bit of information which might save one or two of you having to go round a particular loop in a France Telecom Agence.

If you have ISDN (Numeris), and go into the agence to enquire about something, often (although - strangely - not always) the FT computer will show your line as being 'suspendu'. What this actually means is that your 'ligne classique' (i.e. your analogue service) is suspended, although because in many places these days the number of client with Numeris is low the assistants may not be familiar with the distinction and think your whole service is suspended. This can cause endless hours of merryment, fun and joy for everyone as I discovered in Challans (85) recently. The confusion for me was because I actually do have another line in an entirely different location which really was suspendu for the season. All sorted in the end, although I still can't get Top Message to work with Numeris: can anyone else?




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